Memento 25. února 1948 - komunistický puč v Československu - 1 Oz stříbro Proof
průměr: 37 mm
hmotnost: 31,1 g
ryzost: 999/1000 Ag
hrana: hladká, číslovaná
limit provedení proof: 48 ks číslovaných
limit provedení b.k.: 19 ks číslovaných
limit provedení patina: 19 ks číslovaných
emise: únor 2014
Memento 25. Februarya 1948 - komunistický puč v Československu - 1 Oz silver Proof
weight: 31,1 g
purity: 999/1000 Ag
edge: plain, numbered
limited mintage quality proof: 48 pcs číslovaných
limited mintage of unc. quality: 19 pcs číslovaných
limited mintage quality antique: 19 pcs číslovaných
issue day: February 2014
Objednávkový kód: CRM1919
& quot; One day
we turn to you, just as the Russian Bolsheviks swam with the Tsar, with
bourgeoisie and Kerensky & quot;
(Z speech Calc. Kl. Gottwalda
in parliament 22.XII.1929)
25th February 1948 - the day when Czechoslovak communists consummated the process of taking power in the state. Coup mean the abandonment of democratic traditions of the First Republic and the rise of totalitarian power of one party. First Stalinist period of the new system marked the cadre purges and artificial processes, which fell victim to a series of political opponents of the regime and Communist functionaries themselves. To leave hard-line occurred after the death of Soviet dictator Stalin and his companion Czechoslovakia Klement Gottwald.
O takeover in Czechoslovakia sought Gottwald real communists soon after the end of World War II.
Skillfully managed to use social atmosphere of that era: the disappointment of the behavior of the Western Allies in 1938, while euphoria after the country's liberation by the Soviet army from the Nazis. In the first postwar elections managed to win in Bohemia and Moravia, only Slovak finished second behind the Democratic Party.
Pressure against political rivals of the National Front, the Communists escalated since 1947. Tensions culminated in the withdrawal of the district commander of the National Security in Prague. They replaced the commanders loyal to the Communist Party. In protest against the move brought the resignation of ministers of the other parties, they hoped that President Bene appoint a caretaker government and early elections will occur. However, this situation Gottwald just relieved. President after pressure from the Communists, representatives of the labor movement and the armed People's Militia retreated and on February 25 announced that the demise of democratic ministers and Gottwald proposals received. Gateway to the onset of totalitarian power fell open.
February 25 was until 1989 in the calendar as being significant day of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.
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